[ It's Rin Here! ]
I kind of decided that it was "that" time of this year. The time where I was finally able to buy more books after a horrible way to start 2015 (no time, bad grades, etc). Any words or advice Demi?
Okay... that didn't make sense. Is there a hidden logic that I can't understand? Logic? Eh who cares!
I made sure that I wasn't denting my TBR more than I already have, so you could say I took enough. Enough is a synonym for "she is so going to regret this choice once new books have been published".
(Pic is borrowed from Web) |
I made sure that I wasn't denting my TBR more than I already have, so you could say I took enough. Enough is a synonym for "she is so going to regret this choice once new books have been published".
r i n b o u g h t
- An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
- This Monstrous Thing by Mackenzi Lee

- Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone
- Famous Last Words by Katie Alender

- The Creeping by Alexandra Sirowy
- Not After Everything by Michelle Levy

l i b r a r y p i c k u p s
- Trouble is a Friend of Mine by Stephanie Tromly
- The 100 by Kass Morgan

- Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway
- The Lost Marble Notebook of Forgotten Girl & Random Boy by Marie Jaskulka

*any mistakes are my own
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